Saturday, February 22, 2020


Trump on Pete Buttigieg's marriage to a man: 'I think it's absolutely fine'

"Don't you think it's just great to see the fact that you've got a guy there on the stage with his husband and it's normal?" Fox's Steve Hilton asked. 

"I think it's absolutely fine, I do," Trump said. He agreed with Hilton's assessment that Buttigieg's candidacy is a "sign of great progress," adding, "Yeah, I think it's great. ... I have no problem with it whatsoever."

Trump Says He's 'Fine' With Gay Marriage in '60 Minutes' Interview

He also held up a Pride flag at one of his rallies during the final weeks of his campaign with the words "LGBTs for Trump" written on it. And he appointed Peter Thiel, the openly gay co-founder of PayPal, to his transition team.

Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P.

“I know both of them [Elton John and David Furbush], and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work,” Mr. Trump wrote, adding: “I’m very happy for them.

“He will be the most gay-friendly Republican nominee for president ever,” said Gregory T. Angelo, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group that supports gay rights.

he supported amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to “include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation.”

Trump was believed to be the first private club owner in Palm Beach, Fla., to admit an openly gay couple.

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