Monday, February 24, 2020


Grenell now highest-ranking openly gay official in US government history

President Trump made history this week after appointing Richard Grenell to serve as acting Director of National Intelligence. The new job, a cabinet-level position, makes Grenell the highest serving openly gay man to hold federal office in United States history.

President Obama never appointed an openly gay cabinet member, a source of bitterness for LGBT activists.

Neither did Clinton.

Dubya put at least 18 in his administration though, and now Trump is shattering the sodomite ceiling :-(

Sunday, February 23, 2020



AG Bill Barr Pushing Republicans to Support Gun Owner Registration

AG Barr is Downright Lying to Senators

Under this bill, virtually every single gun owner would have a Form 4473 or an indistinguishable “Bill of Sale / Chain of Title” for your firearm.
And given that ATF is already illegitimately scanning 4473 forms into a national registry — as seen here and here — this will only exacerbate an existing problem.
Why is Trump's AG pushing a TOTAL gun control bill that would put ALL gun owners on a Nazi/Commie gun registry that has already proven to have been abused by ATF?
I thought Trump was pro-2nd Amendment?

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Trump on Pete Buttigieg's marriage to a man: 'I think it's absolutely fine'

"Don't you think it's just great to see the fact that you've got a guy there on the stage with his husband and it's normal?" Fox's Steve Hilton asked. 

"I think it's absolutely fine, I do," Trump said. He agreed with Hilton's assessment that Buttigieg's candidacy is a "sign of great progress," adding, "Yeah, I think it's great. ... I have no problem with it whatsoever."

Trump Says He's 'Fine' With Gay Marriage in '60 Minutes' Interview

He also held up a Pride flag at one of his rallies during the final weeks of his campaign with the words "LGBTs for Trump" written on it. And he appointed Peter Thiel, the openly gay co-founder of PayPal, to his transition team.

Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P.

“I know both of them [Elton John and David Furbush], and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work,” Mr. Trump wrote, adding: “I’m very happy for them.

“He will be the most gay-friendly Republican nominee for president ever,” said Gregory T. Angelo, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group that supports gay rights.

he supported amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to “include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation.”

Trump was believed to be the first private club owner in Palm Beach, Fla., to admit an openly gay couple.


New Trump push: Make homosexuality legal everywhere

Top gay official leads effort tied to uniting U.S., Europe

Donald Trump is seeking the UN to FORCE every country on earth to recognize homosexuality as legitimate.

Besides supporting the sodomite agenda, that is pushing his agenda on the rest of the world. He has no right to do that. He is president of the United States, not the United Nations.

If other countries want to criminalize homosexual buggery, that's their business and we shouldn't interfere. Old Testament Israel make sodomy not only a crime, but a capital crime (death penalty). Christians - are you saying God was wrong?

Trump supporters will insist he is simply against brutality against homosexuals. That is NOT the issue. There is no epidemic of homosexuals being killed or persecuted in America (and America is Trump's jurisdiction). Laws (hate crimes, hate speech, hiring preferences) protect homosexuals ABOVE the rest of the population. Floral shops, cake bakers, and others are being persecuted for not accommodating the queers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


U.S. President Donald Trump Interview

Trump suggests that protesting should be illegal

This was during the Kavanaugh hearings. Trump said. “I think it’s embarrassing for the country to allow protesters."

Eight of the 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights would be violated by Trump's desired "red flag" laws (see previous post). This would stomp on the 1st Amendment as well.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


See the source image

Since Donald Trump's own hotels are "gun free zones", we really shouldn't be surprised to see him favor gun control (bump stock ban, red flag laws, magazine limits, fix nics, etc.)

The "Fix Nics" bill may be the most dangerous of all, once it is in the hands of a liberal administration.

GOA Makes Statement On NICS Bill

This deceptive legislation would add hundreds of thousands of additional names into the NICS system, thus blocking thousands of lawful gun owners from purchasing guns for offenses as slight as unpaid traffic tickets. Not only that, it would lay the groundwork for an anti-gun administration to troll every government health and welfare program.

The Fix Nics bill originally had provisions to make anything illegal that could fire a gun too fast, which could ostensibly apply to your fingers, making them illegal.


See the source image

Here's Donald himself telling us how he wants to support "red flag" laws that violate the:

2nd Amendment - right to bear arms

4th Amendment - unreasonable searches & seizures, necessity of warrant, probable cause

5th Amendment - due process of law, property taken

6th Amendment - crime described, confront witnesses

7th Amendment - jury trial

8th Amendment - cruel and unusual punishment

9th Amendment - disparaging rights

10th Amendment - State's rights

That's EIGHT of the ten Amendments in the Bill of Rights violated in ONE bill. Gotta admit, that's impressive.


Featured Image

Alleged pro-life president Donald Trump has SIGNED over to Planned Parenthood RECORD amounts of YOUR tax dollars, THREE years in a row, enabling Banned Parenthood to perform a record amount of abortions! Above are five conservative sites documenting the unpleasant truth.

$540M in Trump's 1st year. Increased to $565M last year. Bloated to $617M this year.

Speaking at rallies and claiming to be pro-life is LIP SERVICE. Talk is cheap. What he DOES is more important than what he SAYS.

He SIGNED the bills. He could've vetoed them or ignored them. If they were overridden, he'd be clean and those who would vote to override would be exposed rather than protected from having to make such a vote.


Trump's supposed funding cuts do NOT truly bother Planned Barrenhood. With some easy bookkeeping tricks, they will shuffle a few entries and not lose a penny.

If things got real tough, they could create a subsidiary or a foundation, or change their name to keep the tax dollars rolling in - but they don't even have to get that creative yet.

Of course they will still squeal like they are being robbed blind, but here are the FACTS from a *conservative*, a strident conservative, David Leach:

  • Title X money can still go to Planned Parenthood so long as the organization “disentangles” taxpayer funds by conducting their infanticide at a different location, a location that can even be in the same building.
  • In the end, Planned Parenthood won’t lose one red cent in Title X funds.

Did you hear the latest fake news? Late last week the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Trump’s “Protect Life Rule” partially defunding Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers receiving federal funds via Title X is legal and can now be enforced. Title X is a $300 million government program providing family planning and related preventive health services.
Why do I call this fake news? Because the Rule does little to defund Planned Parenthood, and it does absolutely nothing to reduce the number of abortions they provide despite the loud hosanna’s being heaped on Trump by pro-life organizations — many of whom profit nearly as much from abortion as the baby butchers themselves.

Though the Protect Life Act was officially launched back in February, the man Family Research Council President Tony Perkins once called “the most pro-life president in history” originally proposed the idea in May 2018 in a vain attempt to prevent the Blue Tsunami in the midterms. Despite claims to the contrary at the time, nothing in the Rule prevents Planned Parenthood from continuing to receive the nearly $60 million in Title X funding — a fact confirmed by a White House official on the same day Trump announced it:
“This proposal does not necessarily defund Planned Parenthood, as long as they’re willing to disentangle taxpayer funds from abortion as a method of family planning, which is required by Title X law.”
It’s been illegal to use taxpayer funds to finance murdering unborn babies since the Hyde Amendment became law in 1976, so Trump’s revolutionary proposal was nothing but a restatement of existing law. And even with the Hyde Amendment, Planned Parenthood still receives about $500 million a year under Trump’s presidency.
If it’s illegal, how is it possible for Planned Parenthood to keep collecting its taxpayer-funded blood money? Fungibility.

When the federal government sends Planned Parenthood a check, funds once allocated to pay for what Donald Trump calls the “good part” of their work are freed up to bankroll the murder of over 321,000 unborn babies a year (based on recent numbers). To put it another way, Planned Parenthood is able to make nearly all of its non-government revenue from killing babies since taxpayers are paying for everything else.
The simple reality is the Protect Life Rule fails in every measurable way to deliver on the rhetoric:
  • Even if it truly prevented Planned Parenthood from collecting $60 million in Title X funds, Trump and the GOP already have taxpayers on the hook for nearly $500 million per year (as stated above) in subsidies to the abortion mill.
  • Because money is fungible, Planned Parenthood can continue performing abortions using Title X funds simply by incorporating a bit of creative bookkeeping.
  • Per the administration, Title X money can still go to Planned Parenthood so long as the organization “disentangles” taxpayer funds (see fungibility above) by conducting their infanticide at a different location, a location that can even be in the same building.
  • In the end, Planned Parenthood won’t lose one red cent in Title X funds.
Here’s an irony for you: Trump and the GOP can raise 2020 funds by claiming they partially defunded Planned Parenthood, while Democrats and the Far-Left can raise 2020 funds by making the same claim. Two birds with one stone lie. A Unibrow classic.
The reality is Trump’s intentionally and deceptively misnamed Protect Life Rule protects abortion, not life. Still, Trump will take credit for defunding Planned Parenthood even though he didn’t … and the cult will cheer him for it.