Friday, November 11, 2016


TG: Ben Carson wants to help Trump repeal and REPLACE Obaamacare.

We should repeal it. We should NOT *replace* it! Let the free market take care of it like it does everything else that actually works.

Trump's original plan was single-payer (govt) which would even be MORE socialist and oppressive than Obamacare! If they "replace" Obamacare, expect something like that. 

“I think the replacement obviously must come first and it must be something that is very appealing and easy to understand. And then, only then, would you dismantle what’s in place,” the retired neurosurgeon said.

TG: It doesn't need to be replaced with ANYTHING. If you cut out a cancer, you don't replace it with some other kind off cancer. You don't replace it at all.

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